List Of Space Probes

    space probes

  • (space probe) a rocket-propelled guided missile that can escape the earth’s atmosphere; makes observations of the solar system that cannot be made by terrestrial observation
  • A space probe is a scientific space exploration mission in which a robotic spacecraft leaves the gravity well of Earth and approaches the Moon or enters interplanetary or interstellar space (see list of probes by operational status for a list of active probes); The space agencies of the USSR (
  • (space probe) an un-piloted spacecraft that is used to make observations and send back information to Earth regarding these observed objects.

    list of

  • This lets the dictionary give both a class_ type and the additional information that a list of objects of that type is expected. Here’s an example from the iTunes dictionary:
  • An array whose items are; as in ‘list of 3-item lists’.
  • Security Guard Companies Karachi Pakistan Listings and Businesses. List Of Security Guard Companies Karachi Pakistan Mera Pakistan Directory

list of space probes

Space Shuttle: 20 Years inside title page

Space Shuttle: 20 Years inside title page
(This is a work in progress.)

Although this is the third page available for signatures, it is actually the fourth page to be signed. Reason is that imprints from the book’s title page can be seen. I have to tell astronauts to ignore the impressions (although Mary Cleave signed under Rick Hauck’s impression because she said she got along well with him.)

I tried to get two astronauts to sign over it, but wasn’t successful.

The contributors to Space Shuttle: The First 20 Years are (ones I have are in bold):

Acton, Loren
Al-Saud, Sultan bin Salman
1. Allen, Andy
Barry, Dan
2. Blaha, John
3. Bluford, Guy
4. Bolden, Charlie
5. Bondar, Roberta
6. Brandenstein, Dan
Bridges, Roy
Buchli, Jim
7. Cabana, Bob
8. Cenker, Bob
9. Chang-Diaz, Franklin
Chawla, Kalpana (deceased 2003)
10. Clifford, Rich
11. Coats, Mike
12. Cockrell, Ken
13. Collins, Eileen
14. Crippen, Bob
Crouch, Roger
15. Duffy, Brian
Edwards, Joe
Foale, Mike
Fullerton, Gordon
16. Garn, Jake
17. Gibson, Hoot
18. Glenn, John
19. Godwin, Linda
Gutierrez, Sid
20. Harris, Bernard
21. Hauck, Rick
Helms, Susan
22. Henricks, Tom
23. Hieb, Rick
Hughes-Fulford, Millie
Husband, Rick (deceased 2003)
Jernigan, Tammy
24. Jones, Tom
Kavandi, Janet
Kelly, Scott
Leslie, Fred
Linenger, Jerry
25. Linnehan, Rick
Lopez-Alegria, Michael
26. Lousma, Jack
Malerba, Franco
27. McCulley, Mike
Mohri, Mamoru
28. Mullane, Mike
29. Musgrave, Story
30. Nagel, Steve
31. Nelson, Bill
32. Nelson, Pinky
Newman, Jim
Noriega, Carlos
33. Oswald, Steve
Parazynski, Scott
34. Pawelczyk, Jim
Payton, Gary
35. Precourt, Charlie
36. Reightler, Ken
37. Runco, Mario
Seddon, Rhea
Shaw, Brewster
38. Shriver, Loren
Sullivan, Kathryn
39. Thagard, Norm
Thuot, Pierre
Voss, Jim
40. Walker, Charlie
41. Wang, Taylor
Wilcutt, Terry
42. Williams, Dave
Wisoff, Jeff
Wolf, Dave
Young, John

With the end of the shuttle program, (two flights left as of this writing), there will be 355 astronauts who have flown on the vehicle, including two who have only landed (by STS-71 and -102; they were launched on a Soyuz.) Another astronaut, Fred Haise, flew on the shuttle but neither launched nor landed – Haise was the only one of four astronauts who flew on the Approach and Landing Tests but not orbital flights.

And of those 355, 29 have already died (including Sally K. Ride, whose signature I have.) Considering also that there are also 27 Manned Space Engineers, 40 Journalist-in-Space semifinalists, alternates to Payload Specialists, and others who were selected or trained but never flew, and this book will never be complete.

But there is someone with 102 signatures in a copy of this book, and reaching that was my first goal, one I finally achieved that in April 2012.

Signatures on this page:

Mary Cleave. On STS-30R, deployed the first planetary probe from Shuttle.

Sandra Magnus. Believe it or not, it is possible for one’s second mission to have a lower number than the first. In Magnus’ case, she launched to ISS on STS-126 and landed on STS-119. (There have been a couple of instances like this.) A year after she signed, she flew on STS-135, the last shuttle mission.

Robert Satcher. Flew on STS-129 and is headed to Star City, Russia for a possible future flight on Soyuz. We’ll see. (Satcher signed by coincidence underneath the impression of Leland Melvin, his crewmate.)

Lee Morin. Following his only flight on STS-110, appointed Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Health, Space, and Science with the Department of State.

Don Thomas. Was assigned to a fifth mission, the long-duration ISS Expedition 6, but removed due to medical concerns.

Charlie Camarda. Flew on the first Return to Flight mission following Columbia, STS-114.

Franklin Chang-Diaz. Tied with Jerry Ross for a record number of seven Shuttle flights.

Bernard Harris. Became first African-American spacewalker on STS-63, the "near Mir" mission. (No, I don’t why he wrote his mission numbers in reverse order.)

Lodewijk van den Berg: First Dutch astronaut, on STS-51B. Another difficult to get signature; I opted for him over Terry Virts, pilot on STS-130, who was doing a public appearance four days beforehand, as I wasn’t sure whether or not I’d get my book back in time to send it out to van den Berg.

Steve Nagel: Flew four spaceflights, missing only flying on Endeavour to have flown on all spaceworthy orbiters. Nagel was also the 100th U.S. astronaut in space.

Linda Godwin: Flew with her future husband (Nagel) on her first flight, STS-37; one of a handful of astronauts to have visited Mir (she did on STS-76) and the International Space Station (STS-108).

John Grunsfeld: Three flights to the Hubble Space Telescope, including the last successful Col


FECHA DE OBRA: 2010/2012 (En construcción) {br}
SUP. CONSTRUIDA: 3.660 m² (sobre rasante){br}
1.821 m² (bajo rasante){br}

{El proyecto, destinado a alojar la nueva sede de una compañía energética, se integra en un edificio catalogado como de Protección Básica por el Plan Urbanístico de la ciudad, que obliga a mantener las fachadas y elementos de valor patrimonial. Se ha optado por el vaciado integral de la estructura interna, cuyas características espaciales relativas a dimensiones, alturas útiles y servidumbres de patios son incompatibles con los objetivos de cliente, quien enfatiza la necesidad de una arquitectura flexible, versátil y modular, capaz de adoptar, en el presente y en el futuro, configuraciones de distribución diferentes, minimizando las afecciones derivadas de los procesos de transformación. {br} La nueva organización espacial se basa en la idea de introducir la luz hacia el interior del edificio a través de un prisma vertical irregular acristalado, a modo de patio, cuya forma representa, metafóricamente, el vórtice de un tornado que se introduce en la estructura interna del edificio, aludiendo a una fuerza de la naturaleza que representa otra forma de energía. El diseño del entramado estructural se plantea, como uno de sus objetivos prioritarios, liberar al máximo la superficie útil de cada planta, procurando generar la menor servidumbre derivada de la presencia de pilares y vigas de cara a la organización funcional y para facilitar el trazado de las redes de instalaciones. El sistema portante está compuesto por una gran cruceta, formada por dos vigas metálicas de gran canto, en celosía, dispuestas ortogonalmente, a nivel de las dos últimas plantas, apoyadas en dos grandes cajones de hormigón, a modo de soportes, que son capaces de albergar ascensores y dar estabilidad vertical y horizontal al conjunto. La estructura del resto de las plantas se cuelga de este elemento principal mediante un único tirante. En consecuencia el conjunto de cada planta es totalmente diáfano, máxime en planta baja, cuyo forjado descansa en la estructura de sótano y no necesita, por tanto, de ningún elemento estructural vertical visible, excepción hecha de los dos núcleos de hormigón.{br} La solución de proyecto cosiste en introducir una caja nueva dentro de la caja histórica conformada por las fachadas de obligada conservación. El espacio entre ambas y el espacio del patio interior se tratan como espacios bioclimáticos, capaces de comportarse interactivamente, mediante mecanismos domotizados de control del asoleamiento y de la ventilación natural para favorecer la captación o disipación de calor, el control y optimización de aporte de luz natural y, en conjunto, la mejora de las condiciones medioambientales del usuario. La reducción de la demanda energética que procura la concepción de estos sistemas, así como la utilización de energías renovables para satisfacer parte de la demanda residual, fundamentalmente a base de las sondas geotérmicas instaladas, minimizan la necesidad de las instalaciones convencionales, seleccionadas con criterios de máxima eficiencia. La instalación de sistema inteligente de iluminación y otras medidas contribuyen a la alta eficiencia energética, que alcanza la máxima calificación (clase A). La metodología de ecodiseño, ajustada a un sistema de gestión homologado, contemplalas medidas necesarias en relación, no solo con el consumo de energía durante la fase de uso y mantenimiento del edificio, sino también las relativas al consumo de materiales, agua, y gestión de residuos de tal manera que el edificio se certifica con la máxima calificación verde conforme al estándar americano LEED, tutelado por la agencia U.S. Green Building Council.} {br}

{FOTOS: Nº 01, Nº 02, Nº 03, Nº 04, Nº 05{br}


PROJECT DATE: 2010 {br}
WOKS DATE: 2011/2012 ( Working in it) {br}
SURFACE 3.660 m²(above ground){br}
1.821 m² (underground){br}

{ The project, intended to house the new headquarters of an energy company, is part of a building listed as Basic Protection for the Urban Plan of the city, which undertakes to maintain the facades and elements of heritage value. We opted for complete emptying of the internal structure, spatial characteristics on dimensions, heights easements useful and patios are inconsistent with the objectives of the client, who emphasizes the need for a flexible, versatile and modular, capable of adopting, in the present and the future, different distribution configurations, minimizing conditions derived from the processes of transformation.{br} The new spatial organizatio